March is “Music in Our Schools” Month (MIOSM). Music in Our Schools Month is a celebration of the importance of music education in schools! This celebration was implemented by the organization that is now known as NAfME (National Association for Music Education) in March 1973. The first Music in Our Schools observance was a one-day event, that eventually grew to be a week-long event in 1977, and has grown into what is now a month-long celebration (instituted in 1985).
Music is a subject in schools that is often overlooked or not taken seriously because people tend to think that it is just a “fun” class and don’t realize how demanding it can really be or how important it truly is to students. Music in Our Schools Month seeks to correct these views, raising awareness of music education to everyone it reaches. The reality is that music can be just as difficult, complex, and intellectually stimulating as any other academic class; with the added bonus of it requiring incredible coordination and discipline as well as also being a creative, stress-relieving, and emotionally stimulating art form.
The whole point of this month is to bring music education to the attention of those who may not realize its importance and to advocate for it because every child should have the opportunity to be involved in music. Every year this month-long tribute to music in schools reaches more students, musicians, parents, schools, and teachers, making it a nationally observed celebration. offers several ideas on how to celebrate Music in Our Schools Month including inviting parents, administration, colleagues, and community members to your class to watch a music rehearsal, putting on a talent show, having students do projects on their favorite musicians, taking students to see a performance, etc. Visit to see what you can do to participate and help advocate for music in our schools!